Cute, cuter, cutest?
Wandering around to find a fox
For some reason, many people enjoy seeing foxes in nature. Anyway, Dutch people do. Perhaps it is because they are one of the few animals recognized as ‘wildlife’ in the Netherlands. Or maybe, because they look so cute and mischievous. Whatever the reason, many Dutch people often visit the Amsterdamse Waterleiding Duinen (AWD) hoping to spot a fox, since that place is one of the best places to encounter one during a hike.
The AWD is certainly a beautiful area. It is also one of the very few areas in which you are allowed to roam about freely. You don’t have to stick to the paths, but you are allowed to explore the area at your own will, as long as you don’t disturb wildlife.
Curious cubs
For this reason we often visited the AWD, either in the early morning, or just before sunset. We had already discovered two fox dens in a rather remote area. However, these foxes were a bit shy and we didn’t want to disturb them too much, so we continued looking around. We soon discovered another fox den and one early morning we decided to just sit and watch to see what would happen.
When the sun had started to warm things up a bit, we suddenly heard some soft squealing and we looked around expectantly. There it was, a very tiny fox had just left the den and was looking around a bit in confusion. Soon two other small foxes emerged and the cubs started playing together. What a beautiful sight! These little animals were not afraid at all and ran about playfully, sometimes curiously coming nearer to a photographer to discover what this strange object/animal actually was.
It was a beautiful morning, but soon the light had become a bit too bright for photography, so we decided to leave. However, we would certainly be back to sit patiently and hope for more beautiful sightings.
Fox cubs playing together
Cub wandering around