The ones with the fluffy tails
Sometimes one needs some luck
For several years, we had dreamed of photographing red squirrels. Although we frequently spotted them during our walks in the forest, we never had a good opportunity to capture them on camera. These small creatures are quick and rather skittish, making it difficult to photograph them. One day in the fall of 2023 we decided to try our luck at a photography hide where the squirrels were known to appear frequently. Unfortunately, it didn't work out. We saw a variety of interesting birds, but not a single red squirrel.
Then, out of the blue, we received a message through our website from some people interested in buying photos, particularly of red squirrels. What now? These kind people mentioned that they often saw red squirrels at their holiday home. This information turned out to be just the solution we needed.
After inquiring about the possibility, we were given permission to spend a day outside their chalet in hopes of spotting and photographing the squirrels. Early one fall morning, we set off on the long drive, determined to be in position before dawn. We knew that remaining unseen would increase our chances of success.
A plan coming together
Upon arrival, we scattered some food, set up two camouflage tents, and settled in to wait. Patience was key. Then, suddenly, we noticed movement—a charming red squirrel was heading straight for the hazelnuts! Soon after, another squirrel appeared and chased the first one away. The two of them circled up and around trees, one of them clearly the dominant. We took every opportunity to photograph them whenever they came near our tents. It was such an enjoyable experience!
By the end of the day, we had managed to photograph three different red squirrels. When the dominant one was off hiding its stash, the other two would return, stuffing their cheeks with as many nuts as possible before scampering off to bury their treasures. We watched as they created hiding spots all over the area in front of us, witnessing firsthand how these small creatures contribute to tree-planting. The squirrels often seemed to forget where they had hidden their food, digging new holes sometimes just a few centimeters away from previous ones.
While we hoped the squirrels would find enough of their buried food to last through winter, we were also struck by how everything in creation works together. Spending time outdoors is always rewarding and full of lessons. This particular adventure was made possible thanks to some kind people looking for photos.
A red squirrel enjoying some food
Wow, some of them came really close.