Foxes and sunset
Foxes in evening light
Over time, the young foxes left their den more and more often. They strayed further and further, while exploring the surroundings. What interesting things would they see? Would they find anything exciting they could play with? What was seen as exploration for the foxes, meant more chances for us to find the young animals. After all, they do not pay attention and make quite a lot of noise during their activities.
Playing is very important for young animals. Foxes learn a lot while playing together. They improve their motor skills, they discover how to move carefully through bushes, and learn how to sneak up on another animal. It is a beautiful sight to see the little creatures engrossed in these activities.
If we want to photograph the foxes, we often just lie down somewhere and wait for the little animals to come nearer. It sometimes takes a while for them to come close and then our patience is tested, but often they come very close. It is not always easy to photograph them properly, since they are very agile. Fortunately, however, they are not shy and the presence of people does not scare them. So scaring animals is not an issue here, and getting close to the foxes is no problem at all.
One day we decide to go to the dunes for the last time this spring. It promises to be a brilliant evening. The sun is shining and the sky is clear. About 500 metres from the den, we see a fox crossing the path in the distance. It must belong to the den we now know so well. We decide to lie down next to path and wait for the fox to come towards us. It doesn't take long and our wait is rewarded. A young fox comes walking straight at us! What a unique opportunity to photograph a young fox in backlight. The little animal happily sniffs around, undisturbed by others.
Slowly the sun sinks towards the horizon and the light becomes more and more beautiful. At one point, the sun is behind a tree in line with where we are, and the little fox decides to sit right in front of us. He looks around lazily. The golden rays of the sun shining through the tree’s branches still spread their warmth, while the tree seems to be on fire. What a unique experience to see animals being so relaxed when people are around!
Have they been fed?
Why is it that the foxes in the Amsterdam Waterleiding Duinen (AWD) are so relaxed when people are around? Is it because the foxes are still young? Or maybe because hunting is forbidden? Is it because so many people come there and treat nature with care?
Many people think it isn’t right for animals to be so comfortable with people around. Personally, I think it's just the way it should be. Usually people are a threat to animals, which is why many animals have become nocturnal. The other extreme also occurs. Feeding animals. Unfortunately, this also happens in a lot of places, including some parts of the AWD. Fortunately, not in this place. Feeding is and remains dangerous for animals in the long run, because it makes them too dependent on humans. So let's all try to prevent that from happening!
On a mission
Backlit fox cub
Fox during sunset