Snakes’s head beauty

Netherlands = flowers

Flowers—aren’t they beautiful? The Netherlands is renowned for its flowers. Just consider how many foreign tourists visit Keukenhof each year. Additionally, many of the flowers given worldwide on Mother’s Day originate from Dutch soil.

However, it’s not these types of flowers that captivate our attention. Wildflowers, with their delicate and beautifully formed petals, are much more intriguing. One such flower is the Fritillaria meleagris, commonly known as the snake’s head. This flower is currently quite rare in natural areas in the Netherlands, making it even more special to find places where they can be photographed.

Photographing the Snake’s head

Early one morning at the beginning of April, we set out to an area well-known for these little flowers. Upon arrival, we saw a sign indicating the rarity of the fritillaria and reminding us to stay on the paths. We walked along the meadow path and soon spotted a few of the flowers.

It took quite a walk before we found more of them grouped together. As the sun rose, its light illuminated the bell-shaped flowers, making them glow like tiny lamps. This was truly a special moment. The grass and flowers were still covered in dew, adding to the magic of the scene.

So, it’s not just wildlife that inspires us to rise early. Other natural wonders, like flowers, stars, or even insects, also deserve our attention. Head out, take your time, and look around to discover all the little treasures nature has to offer.

The beautiful fritillaria

Early morning beauty


Bluethroat singing


Eurasian lynx in winter wonderland